Egg Review, Eggucation, Home Cooking

Do you dare to Gougére?

Searching for new recipes is one of my all time favourite things to pass the time, actually finding something and making it is a rare occurrence.

Its easy to find reasons not to make something: not enough time; don’t want to have to go out to buy the ingredients; sounds laborious etc. Generally it boils down to laziness…not this time though!

Dorie Greenspan’s recipe for Gougéres sounded delicious, worth the effort and I already had the ingredients in my kitchen! The use of 5 eggs makes it an ideal feature for this blog. I also like that Dorie is an expat who has been asked for her recipe of a French dish! You can find the recipe by clicking this link:

In the new house, we haven’t quite stocked up on kitchen things so I tried out two batches of Gougéres. The first batch were baked on a roasting tray and had a choux pastry texture – 7/10.

1 Gougeres

The second lot of Gougéres were baked in a muffin tin and although they rose nicely, it didn’t last too long out of the heat. They had more of a spongey texture – 6/10.

Goujeres 2

Highly recommended recipe!
